Free Translator #2 | Marina Tsvetáeva | «Sneak out»

Many researchers and connoisseurs consider Marina Tsvetáeva as the greatest woman in Russian poetry. The tragic end of her impetuous life is even more shocking then. We will discuss origins of her poetical approach and peculiarities of her style via the poem «Sneak Out» written 1924.  *** Sneak out by Marina Tsvetáeva (1892-1941) But probably, the best conquest Against the time and gravitation — To pass, to left with no impress, To pass, to left no shade, no mention On walls... And may be — by negation Pick up and? Cross reflections out? Just: Lermontov through the Caucasia But sneak out, with no rocks alarmed. And may be — best and perfect gag is By finger of Sebastian Bach To never touch the organ's echo. Disintegrate, no ashes bulked The urn... And may be — by imposture Pick up and? Leave the latitudes? Just: by the time above the ocean Sneak out, left waters undisturbed... May 14, 1923
Free Translator: a poetry podcast
Many researchers and connoisseurs consider Marina Tsvetáeva as the greatest woman in Russian poetry. The tragic end of her impetuous life is even more shocking then. We will discuss origins of her poe...
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