06 января 2022
🔍 Things you need to know on the day of the exam, coping with stress and requesting a remark
For our first episode in 2022 we imagined a student who doesn't know anything about any of the IELTS exam procedures. And so, in less then an hour, we've tried to explain everything one can expect from sitting the exam: What should they do the day before the exam? What's the order of everything? Things you can and can't take into the classroom. The procedures of each separate test. Requesting a remark, etc.
Tune in and have a great day!
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IELTS Speaking for Success
What kinds of things do people like to repair by themselves? Why do people like to get their mobile phones repaired in specialized stores? Is the quality of products worse than before? Are IT-related...
Do you like watching sports programs on TV? Do you like to watch live games? Who do you like to watch sports games with? What kinds of games will you watch in the future?
Tune in and have a great day...
Do you ever change your plans? Is it easy for you to manage time? What's the hardest thing about making plans? Are you ever late for anything? Do you think most people can manage their time well?
Do you like sweets more now compared to when you were a child? Have you ever tried to make sweets or cakes? Do you eat cakes or sweets after your meal? What sweets are popular in your country?
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Do you like going to street markets? When was the last time you went to a street market? Are there many street markets in your country? Do you prefer shopping in a mall or street market?
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Have you ever lost anything? What should people do to find what they lost? Have you ever found anything? What should people do if they find something? Is it ok to keep the thing you found?
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Do you like to try street food? What kind of street food do you like? What street food do people usually eat? Do you like to buy street food when you travel to a new place?
Tune in and have a great...
What was your first mobile phone? How often do you use your mobile phone? Can you describe your mobile phone? How has your mobile phone changed your life?
Tune in and have a great day!
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Do you like to take photographs? How do you keep your photos? Do you ever delete or throw away photos if they are on paper? Will you take more photos in the future, do you think?
Tune in and have a g...
Do you like painting or drawing? Have you ever learned painting or drawing? What do you like to draw? What do you know about painting?
Tune in and have a great day!
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What kind of websites do you visit? What's your favourite website? What websites are popular in your country? Are there any changes to the websites you use?
Tune in and have a great day!
Free IELT...
Do you remember your dreams when you wake up? Do you think dreams affect life? Do dreams have special meanings? Do you like listening about other people’s dreams?
Tune in and have a great day!
Do you like going to the cinema? Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a child? When was the last time you went to the cinema? What kinds of films do you prefer?
Tune in and have a great day!...
Have you been to a new place recently? How often do you go to new places? Have you ever moved into a new place or a new home? Why is living in the same place for a long time not good?
Tune in and hav...
For our first episode in 2022 we imagined a student who doesn't know anything about any of the IELTS exam procedures. And so, in less then an hour, we've tried to explain everything one can expect fro...
2021 was intense 🤯
We're not even sure how much we've grown this year. As always, we'd like to say thank you to everyone who listened, messaged us with their IELTS results, commented, bought our cours...
Do you like driving? When was the last time you drove? Is driving common in your country? Is it hard to learn to drive? Will you drive more in the future?
Tune in and have a great day!
Gift our prem...
What kind of architecture do you like the most? If you could live in any home in the world, where would you live? Is architecture an important part in the cities identity?
Tune in and have a great day...
Are you easily distracted? Why is it difficult for some people to stay focused? What improves concentration? Is it good to do several things at the same time or is it better to focus on one task?
What flowers do you like? When was the last time you gave flowers to somebody? What flowers have special meaning in your country? Have you ever planted any flowers?
Tune in and have a great day!
What colours do you like to wear? Do people in your country like to wear bright colours? What colours would you never use in your home? Do you think colours influence you?
Tune in and have a great day...
What's the most popular pets in your country? What animal would you like to keep as a pet? What's your favourite animal? Would you like to have a pet in the future?
Tune in and have a great day!
What's the weather usually like in your hometown? Do you like the weather in your hometown? What's your favorite weather? What do you do in hot weather?
Tune in and have a great day!
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What types of TV programmes do you like to watch? Do you think you watch TV too much? Why do some people watch TV shows online? Why do people dislike watching TV?
Tune in and have a great day!
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Do you like being around other people? Would you prefer to stay alone or with other people? What do you and your friends do together? Do you remember a time when you needed to cooperate with others?
Do you like going to parks? When was the last time you went to a park? Are there any parks where you live? Should parks be free for people?
Tune in and have a great day!
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How often do you buy shoes? Have you ever bought shoes online? What's your favorite type of shoes? Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?
Tune in and have a great day!
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Do you use headphones? Do you usually use headphones when you listen to music? How often do you buy headphones? In what situations would you not use headphones?
Tune in and have a great day!
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Do you often write things? Do you prefer to write by hand or using a computer? Is your handwriting easy to read? Did you like writing things when you were a child?
Tune in and have a great day!
Have you ever got lost? How can you find your way when you are lost? Have you ever helped someone who got lost? Do you ever use any applications with maps?
Tune in and have a great day!
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