In the fall of 2011, a high school girl in LeRoy, New York falls ill: spasms, outbursts, and uncontrollably violent movements. As the mysterious illness spreads throughout the school, a young doctor attempts to connect the dots. Is there an external pathogen? Or is what’s happening in LeRoy something far more mysterious?
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On Hysterical, you heard how the mind has the power to cause physical symptoms in the body, opening the door to terrifying possibilities. But what happens when the body revolts first? Dive into the un...
In the series finale, a mysterious doctor travels to LeRoy with a new, controversial diagnosis. But is it the right one? As the girls improve and the chaos of the outbreak fades away, we hear from the...
The investigation widens to explore two more recent outbreaks. What does a mass-poisoning across girls’ schools in Iran, and a national epidemic of fentanyl overdoses amongst American law enforcement...
The mystery illness in LeRoy has a new victim: a boy. Across the world, curiously similar patterns emerge in a more recent outbreak affecting hundreds of CIA officers and diplomats. Could the cases be...
An anonymous tipster slides an envelope under a parent’s door with a shocking revelation: a toxic train derailment from the 1970s may be contaminating the water in LeRoy. Environmental activist Erin B...
The illness spreads from high schoolers to a 36-year-old nurse and mother. Meanwhile, a teen girl gets a diagnosis in front of a live studio audience… from a former contestant of the Bachelor.Listen t...
With more than a dozen girls now afflicted with the mystery illness in LeRoy, parents are scared and demanding answers. Chaos erupts when state health officials hold a town meeting, but won’t reveal t...
In the fall of 2011, a high school girl in LeRoy, New York falls ill: spasms, outbursts, and uncontrollably violent movements. As the mysterious illness spreads throughout the school, a young doctor a...
Hysterical investigates a mysterious illness that spreads among a group of high school girls in upstate New York. What is causing their sudden, often violent symptoms? Is there something in the water...