Rob and Sam talk about the telltale signs and teach you some vocabulary. Honestly.
Английский язык
Все английские дети учат это ещё в детском саду, сейчас мы их догоним и всё наверстаем.
Как говорят животные на английском? На письме это звукоподражание. Все звуки – часть культуры, отражение того,...
620. British TV: Dragons' Den (Part 2) Negotiation Listen to a real business negotiation and learn loads of English in the process. Vocabulary, scripts and notes available below. Episode page https://...
At the offices of Tip Top Trading, new boss Anna has a great idea. Will it be popular?
Rob and Sam talk about the telltale signs and teach you some vocabulary. Honestly.
619. British TV: Dragons’ Den (Part 1) Vocabulary Learn tons of business vocabulary in context in this episode all about a TV show about entrepreneurs negotiating investment for their business startup...
Когда одно слово может заменить целое предложение. Междометия произносят все, хотите вы этого или нет. В русском языке это целые фразы или звкукоподражание: батюшки, какой ужас, бр-р-р, тьфу, ай-ай-ай...
The team aren't getting their end-of-year bonus. There's just time to make one more deal.
Sam and Rob hope you don't complain about the vocabulary they're going to teach you!
Что можно сказать, когда нечего сказать.
Ааааа нуууу кааак быыы заполнить паузу, когда нужно собраться с мыслями. Как это делают носители языка.
Если правильно подобрать интонацию, можно выделить зна...
618. The Climate Crisis Explained in 10 Charts (with Cara Leopold) A conversation with Cara Leopold about the climate crisis including descriptions of key charts, graphs and data. Notes and transcript...
It's Anna and Tom's big day! Will Anna say 'I do'?
617. Sales and Advertising (with Paul Taylor) A language-focused episode looking at words and phrases that you often see and hear in advertising and sales situations. Also includes discussion of sales...
Has the position of your surname in the alphabet affected your life? Neil & Sam discuss.
My favorite song about a school:) Read the lyrics below. Учат в школе (Uchat v shkole) Буквы разные писать тонким перышком в тетрадь Учат в школе, учат в школе, учат в школе. Вычитать и умножать, ма...
Как не попасть впросак в разговоре с англичанином или американцем и не перепутать слова «штаны» и «трусы»? Как заказать чипсы, а не картошку фри? Сегодня мы продолжим разбираться в отличиях американск...
616. Can you find the 15 idioms? (with Paul Taylor) Listen to Luke and Paul play a conversation game and try to spot 15 common idioms. All idioms are demonstrated, explained and listed on the website....
Just as Tom leaves to start a new life in Australia, Anna realises her true feelings.
We discuss if computers can recognise human emotions from the expressions on our face.
Вам точно нужен этот подкаст, если вы хотите звучать как Камбербэтч, ну или как королева Великобритании :)
Подкаст о том, чем отличается британское произношение звуков /r/, /t/, /o/ и /əu/ от америка...
615. Paul Taylor Became a Dad, and you won't believe what happened next How is Paul getting on as a new dad? How is everything going? What's he angry about this time? Episode page
Tom's walked out after Anna rejected his marriage proposal. What's going to happen next?
614. Another Murder Mystery Detective Story (Part 3) Here's the conclusion of this online murder mystery text adventure game. Vocabulary is reviewed at the end. Video available for premium subscribers...
Everyone loves a holiday, but what damage can tourists do? Sam and Rob find out.
613. Another Murder Mystery Detective Story (Part 2) Here is part 2 of this text adventure game. There's also a video for premium subscribers. Episode page italki offer http...
612. Another Murder Mystery Detective Story (Part 1) Listen to Luke investigating a 'choose-your-own-adventure' detective story and read along if you like! Learn English in fun ways with stories on Lu...