01.roque banos-he is alive-drone piece akira yamaoka-nightmares of home nature sounds-juvenile bobcat phurpa-the visualization of phurpa-bjm- 00:00
02.affectus.lamia cultus-verbum portae aperio-bjm- 06:13
03.unknown-decompression- 17:16
04.selo vatra-footsteps tuatha de danann- 19:26
05.paleowolf-permafrost- 23:25
06.affectus.lamia cultus-luna sacra.luna atra- 27:41
07.affectus.lamia cultus-manifestatio ahriman- 32:15
08.corona barathri-sacrificial flame of samhain- 39:32
09.akira yamaoka-ashes and ghost- 45:16
10.antarabhava-molecular mandala- 47:54
11.dancing deadlips-lady of mali- 55:13
12.halgrath-ritual of lost epoch- 58:10
13.herbst9-issalim urpatum pesitum- 1:04:15
14.halo manash.arktau eos.aural holograms-aural hypnox rituals- 1:08:58
15.monocube-father fenris- 1:13:19
16.nanomancer-temple of the sixth-extended- 1:17:25
17.hoarfrost-unknown-bjm- 1:18:40
18.antarabhava-horizon of perceptions- 1:27:29
19.emme ya-hemhempti.devourer ov souls- 1:38:41